Reject the Arthurs Seat Quarry
The relevant Ministers need their attention drawn to what is at stake if this quarry proceeds, and they need to hear a range of voices, including yours. They cannot hide behind "due process" - the Environmental Effects Statement (EES) process is designed to get applications over the line.
The Ministers need to know that we care.
Only widespread objection will make the difference.
The Victorian State Government will be asked to approve this quarry first. You can write to each of these Ministers and tell them that EES or not, Victorians don't want this mine.
We Want Arthurs Seat Saved.
We have included some helpful points below that you may wish to include, or if you prefer, a standard letter for your use or for inspiration can be downloaded here.
The Hon. Daniel Andrews MP
Premier of Victoria
Office of the Premier
1 Treasury Place
Melbourne VIC 3002
e: daniel.andrews@parliament.vic.gov.au
Richard Wynne MP
Minister for Planning
PO Box 1474
Collingwood VIC 3066
e: richard.wynne@parliament.vic.gov.au
Lily D'Ambrosio MP
Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change
PO Box 500
Melbourne VIC 3002
e: lily.dambrosio@parliament.vic.gov.au
Martin Pakula MP
Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events
Level 36, 121 Exhibition Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
In your email, you may wish to:
Ask Minister Wynne to reject the proposal
Highlight the significance of the region for all Victorians - environmental, cultural, economic and recreational
Remind them of their own reports which list a number of more suitable quarry sites
Land of such high conservation value and so sensitively situated should not be open to industrial exploitation. This is an anomoly from a bygone era and should be redressed by integrating it into the State Park.
If the Victorian Government approves this mine then the Federal Minister for the Environment will be asked to give it a final tick. You can let her know now that, if this happens, you want her to say NO. Write to:
The Hon. Sussan Ley MP
Federal Minister for the Environment
PO Box 6022
House of Representatives
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600
And if you live on the Mornington Peninsula, copy in your local Federal Member:
The Hon. Greg Hunt MP
Member for Flinders
PO Box 647
Somerville VIC 3912